Covid-19 Updates
We are happy to share that all measures we have taken to protect both our guests and team members are now certified under the Safe Tourism Certification program and we are proud to receive our Safe Tourism Certificate.
We're waiting for you for a safe stay experience!
As it has always been, the safety and security of our guests and team members remains our highest priority.
Our hotel follows the Circular No.2020/6 on the "Controlled Normalization Process in Accommodation Facilities" published by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to making its guests feel safe in a hygenic environment.
Our guests are welcomed with non-contact body temperature measurement applications and hand disinfection at the entrance to the facility.
Materials such as light switches, drawer knobs, kettle and remote hand touches will be subjected to special disinfection.
Cotton towels, bed linens will be separeted with disposable bags and cleaned with necessary detergents at 80°C and above.
Cleaning services in common areas is done periodically using effective disinfections. Periodic maintenance of the ventilation - air conditioning system and the other tools and sterilization of the necessary equipment are provided.
Frequency of standard cleaning practices for common areas have been increased. Common touch areas such as all door handles, WC, elevator buttons, tables, and chairs, are disinfected at short intervals.
All surfaces and equipment are being disinfected. Hand washing and disinfection rules and food safety & storing rules are regularly followed in the kitchen. Kitchen staff wears uniforms and personal protective equipment.
Guest tables are cleaned with disinfectant. Our employees give regular and frequent hand washing breaks. Door handles, chair handles, salt & pepper shakers, teapots, coffee thermos and menus that our guests may have hand contact are disinfected regularly. Our tables are placed with distance and rearranged during this period.
Our pool is chlorinated at the top level regularly. All sunbeds at the beach and pool areas are cleaned periodically with effective disinfectants. All sunbeds are arranged in accordance to the personal distance rules.
In terms of health of bath our employees and our guests, we give importance to hand cleaning and regularly check it. The frequency of cleaning and changing uniforms of all our employess has been increased. All employees examined before work and fever measurements are made with digital thermometers.
In addition to our general hygiene standards. COVID-19 trainings are provided for our colleagues working in all our units in a widely scoped and organized manner.